Articles in the Geek category

  1. Too many unused .gr domain names?

    Recently i have been developing a few small web sites. Some of them are only hobby projects.  Naturally i looked for a good domain name for them.

    My search for good domain names indicated that most are already taken. Not very surprising as such, ofcourse ,but when i look up …

  2. Site thumbnail generation using khtml2png

    For a friend’s project, i investigated various ways to generate a site thumbnail.

    The obvious one is to simply go to the desired website using your favorite browser, take a snapshot using your favorite program. Guaranteed to work :).

        For obvious reasons that never became a real option so my …

  3. Resolver is a great idea.

    I was reading about Resolver quite often, mostly on planet python. I had made a mental memo to try it out for my self sometime but always seemed to be delaying it. I tried it out yesterday i was really impressed by the concept. 

    With Resolver you have a spreadsheet …

  4. IBAN validating code

    Recently i needed to validate some IBAN numbers (International Bank Account Number). I quick search revealed the wikipedia article on the subject.

    Though i had initially hacked up a Greek-only IBAN validator i though it might be of use to other people as well and modified it to validate  every …

  5. XML feed με το πρόγραμμα των ελληνικών καναλιών

    Γιατί τα ελληνικά κανάλια στα site τους δεν παρέχουν XML feeds με το πρόγραμμά τους?

    Δεν είναι κρυφή πληροφορία, και θα ήταν πολύ χρήσιμο σε projects όπως το mythtv, αλλα και σε όσους θα ήθελαν να αυτοματοποιήσουν κάποιο σύστημα βασισμένοι στην πληροφορία αυτή.

    Είναι μια απλή παράλειψη ή υπάρχει κάποιος …

  6. Even my sister can hack Altec telecoms

    A few days ago, my sister’s boyfriend, who is currently in the army in some far away island, wanted to change the DNS settings on his domain, because his hosting provider changed DNS servers. Not being very knowledgable in these things he had given the registrar a contact email …

  7. Captcha widgets in Django

    This blog was getting stormed by comment spam so i decided to use some captcha protection. I chose pycaptcha for this and had to integrate it nicely with Django. I wanted to make it an easy widget that does it’s own validation and does not require view code for …

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