This blog was getting stormed by comment spam so i decided to use some captcha protection. I chose pycaptcha for this and had to integrate it nicely with Django. I wanted to make it an easy widget that does it’s own validation and does not require view code for validating the captcha. So here is what i came up with:
EDIT: Updated for SVN trunk version of Django ( value_from_datadict has an extra parameter)
First, the custom form field:
class CaptchaField(CharField):
widget = CaptchaWidget
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CaptchaField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self,values):
value,captchaid = values
#Check if the value matches that in the session
factory = PersistentFactory('/tmp/captcha_persistence')
test = factory.get(str(captchaid))
if (not test) or (not test.valid):
raise ValidationError(u"""Captcha does not exist or is
invalid. Please refresh to get new captcha""")
if not test.testSolutions([value.strip()]):
raise ValidationError(u"""You did not type the correct
captcha text""")
return ""
The Widget used by this form field:
class CaptchaWidget(Input):
input_type = "text"
def render(self,name,value,attrs=None):
#Always generate a new captcha on rendering
factory = PersistentFactory('/tmp/captcha_persistence')
test =
captchaid =
superclass_output = super(CaptchaWidget,self).render(name,"",attrs)
output = """<img src="/captcha/%s" border="0"/><br/>
<input type="hidden" name="captchaid" value="%s" />
""" %(captchaid,captchaid,superclass_output)
return output
def value_from_datadict(self,data,files,name):
return [ data[name],data['captchaid'] ]
We also need a view to deliver the image for the captcha so here it is:
def captcha_image(request,id):
factory = PersistentFactory('/tmp/captcha_persistence')
test = factory.get(str(id))
if not test:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='image/jpeg')
return response
Dont forget to add a entry for our view. something like:
should be enough (change the view to your view. If you change the url then be sure to change it in the html generated by the widget.
Notice that in our code we use a file in /tmp for writing the persistence of pycaptcha. This may be a security problem depending on our environment. So be careful, or us a trusted location.
I should use a template for the HTML generated by the widget so as to make it more easily customizable but i just got bored after i got it working.