Dynamic choices field in wtforms’s SelectField
Articles tagged with python
Tools for generating PDFs from django.
For a Django project i’m working on i needed to generate PDF reports. For example a “job ticket” that displays the client data, the material list and a list of “processing” actions to be performed, or an invoice (classic use case).
What i wanted was a way to generate …
Τρικ στρογγυλοποίησης ακεραίων στην Python
Στην Python για στρογγυλοποίηση αριθμών υπάρχει η build-in function round().
Η round(number,[ndigits]) παίρνει ένα αριθμό και επιστρέφει ένα float αριθμό στρογγυλοποιημένο. Αν δώσουμε το όρισμα ndigits (αριθμός παλι) η στρογγυλοποίηση γίνεται στα ndigits ψηφία. Πχ.
>>> round(1.123456,3) 1.123
Ο αριθμός στρογγυλοποιήθηκε στα 3 δεκαδικά ψηφία …PyMOTW and stuff
Ίσως το καλύτερο blog σχετικά με Python.
Ο Doug Hellmann έχει στο blog του μια κατηγορία που την ονομάζει PyMOTW - δηλαδή Python module of the week.
Κάθε εβδομάδα έχει ένα αναλυτικότατο, απόλυτα κατανοητό με πολλά παραδείγματα αφιέρωμα σε ένα module της Python.
Είναι must read. Ακόμα και σε modules που …
Python list comprehensions nasty behavior
Python’s list comprehension syntax is amazingly concise and easy to use and understand. It make Python even more beautiful than it already is.
However, i came upon some weird behavior today that caused a strange bug in my application.
The common way to use a list comprehension is with …
sorting using keys in python.
I’ve used comparator functions while sorting in python quite often. I had a complex object today that i had to sort on using non-standard comparator functions.
My object was a dictionary that contained a list of 2 dictionaries that in turn containd lists of objects. I wanted to sort …
Resolver is a great idea.
I was reading about Resolver quite often, mostly on planet python. I had made a mental memo to try it out for my self sometime but always seemed to be delaying it. I tried it out yesterday i was really impressed by the concept.
With Resolver you have a spreadsheet …
IBAN validating code
Recently i needed to validate some IBAN numbers (International Bank Account Number). I quick search revealed the wikipedia article on the subject.
Though i had initially hacked up a Greek-only IBAN validator i though it might be of use to other people as well and modified it to validate every …
Captcha widgets in Django
This blog was getting stormed by comment spam so i decided to use some captcha protection. I chose pycaptcha for this and had to integrate it nicely with Django. I wanted to make it an easy widget that does it’s own validation and does not require view code for …
doesn’t pownce.com support unicode properly?
I was invited to pownce.com today. It’s a hot new Web 2.0 messaging applications that is also developed by a really hot developer in a hot language using a hot framework.
It’s still in BETA and the new accounts are invite only. I suspect that most …