Validating Greek VAT code (έλεγχος Α.Φ.Μ)

I recently had to validate the VAT code entered in an internetl Django application. Searching around lead me to this site. The implementation there is Visual Basic though, which wouldn’t suit me. So i translated it to Python as best as i could (given i don’t actually know any VB :p )
Here it is:
def isValidAFM(afm):
    if len(afm) != 9:
        return False

    except ValueError:
        return False

    AFMpart = afm[:-1]
    afmsum = 0
    multiplier = 2
    for c in AFMpart[::-1]:

        afmsum += ( int(c) * multiplier )
        multiplier *= 2

    if not afmsum:
        return False

    afmmod = afmsum % 11

    lastdigit = int(afm[-1])
    if lastdigit == afmmod:
        return True
    elif (lastdigit == 0) and (afmmod ==10 ):
        return True
        return False
